Make Your Move Session Three

Examine Your ProblemsYour Life

Why is it not happening for me?

Why does it often feel as if life is not working?


Life is not as it should be. We all feel it: that unsettling sense in the pit of our stomachs that so much of what we experience as human beings is unjustified, unfair, or just plain uncomfortable.

Trust me: what you often feel is not ideal, but it is normal. This somewhat troubled reality is true for every young man, to one degree or another. Take a moment to scan your world; you see the pain and suffering. Take a moment to reflect upon your community, campus, and chapter: you surely observe the confusion and uncertainty around you.

Take a risk, look inside of yourself, and examine your own heart; there is probably some really hard stuff brewing just beneath the surface and behind the mask that you wear.


The problems that you face in your personal life are the inevitable result of the presence of three realities: creation, circumstances, and choices.

  • Creation is not always healthy/well.
  • Circumstances are not always happy/welcome.
  • Choices are not always honorable/wise.


As a large group, quickly brainstorm and shout out some specific examples that you have observed in your world, community, campus, chapter, family, and/or personal life where and when:

  • Creation was not healthy/well
  • Circumstances were not happy/welcome
  • Choices were not honorable/wise


Take five minutes and write down three prevalent problems that you are currently wrestling with in your personal life. (Optional: Continue anonymous index card exercise from the lunch activity)

Take an additional five minutes and try to discern which of the three realities (creation, circumstances, and choices) are playing a role in these personal challenges.


Phi Kappa Theta celebrates spiritual curiosity and development in its various and assorted expressions. Although founded as a Catholic Fraternity, our brotherhood has become increasingly diverse in its spiritual perspectives, but it is still open to considering and reflecting upon spiritual themes drawn from the Bible.

One sacred text directly related to the problems of life is the Book of Ecclesiastes, penned by a Philosopher-King whom many refer to as one of the wisest men in history.

A Short Summary Of Ecclesiastes

In Ecclesiastes, “King Solomon takes a hard look at the human enterprise – an enterprise in which he himself has fully participated. He sees a busy, busy human ant hill in mad pursuit of many things, trying now this, now that, laboring away as if by dint of effort humans could master the world, lay bare its deepest secrets, change its fundamental structures, somehow burst through the bounds of human limitations, build for themselves enduring monuments, control their destiny, achieve a state of secure and lasting happiness – people laboring at life with an overblown conception of human powers and consequently pursuing unrealistic hopes and aspirations.”

NIV Study Bible Notes


  • 1:4: "Generations come and generations go…"
  • 1:11: "There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow."
  • 2:22: "What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun?"
  • 7:2: "For death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart."
  • 8:17: "No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it."
  • 12:13: "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Revere God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."


Live this mysterious life well, and keep God at the center of everything. This short life is a dot on the timeline of eternity, but how you choose to invest this dot will affect the entire timeline.

The Thrust and Themes of this Book

Human beings cannot, in and of themselves, do anything of lasting value or enduring significance.

Human wisdom, in itself, is incapable of solving problems or making sense of the mess.

Human experience complicates what we believe to be true; life is confusing even when placed against the backdrop of our knowledge of God.

Human existence can end tomorrow, rendering any real control or future planning to merely a perception.


Therefore, my response to these realities is to embrace life for what it is, not expecting too much from it, while living life to its fullest. And without setting unrealistic goals for this life, love God and people well, for as long as I am here on this Earth.


Considering these timeless truths as offered by King Solomon, in what ways do his insights challenge your perspective about the problems and difficulties we face throughout life?


King Solomon’s profound wisdom and practical insights still ring true for our generation today, as we try to make sense of the world and navigate the many challenges and difficulties that we face.

Throughout history – scholars, poets, and philosophers from every secular and spiritual perspective wrestle with these complex questions.

In tangible terms, this trilogy of a broken world, bothersome circumstances, and bad decisions leave young college men often feeling:

  • Wounded
  • Confused
  • Lonely
  • Passive

Many young guys feel the wounds of unhealthy families, difficult life circumstances, or poor choices; the confusion of trying to wade through society’s mixed messages regarding the definition and descriptions of modern manhood and masculinity; the loneliness that comes from wearing masks, keeping secrets, and failing to live transparent lives with those they love; and the passivity that is a byproduct of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and unmotivated from all of the pressures of life and the many expectations of other people.


Four Symptoms of a Problematic Life

Wounded → Distressed

Confused → Distraught

Lonely → Distant

Passive → Disengaged


Rank from 1-4 (1=most and 4=least) which of the Four Symptoms of a Problematic Life do you think most describes your current reality.


Anonymous Notecard Exercise

  1. I feel wounded from…
  2. I am confused about…
  3. I am lonely because…
  4. I am passive about…


Write down one personal struggle or private secret that you will share with one brother here this weekend… and then two more brothers from your local chapter within the next week.


Wake Up the reality that life is hard and difficult and challenging, and that this will always be the case.

Rise Up

...and resolve in your heart that your problems will not define you, and internalize the belief that your failures are not fatal.

Step Up

...and take personal ownership for your personal choices, and admit to yourself and others in what ways that your positive and poor decisions have contributed to your current reality.